Softplan 2016 beginner pdf
Softplan 2016 beginner pdf

I have multiple title blocks, in my case since we use 11 x 17 as much as possible they have all the standard notes in different locations and even at 90°. Sorry Sam, but I think what you describe it is easily doable in plansets. I can say I haven't spent enough time figuring out if there is a way to make that possible, but what little time I did spend looked like that wasn't doable, so I will stick with multi drawings. If there were a way to take the set up that I've spent years editing and make a plan set template that has all of that info already there, I may find plansets useful.

softplan 2016 beginner pdf

I have speed notes for rooms, wall details, etc on those title block/base drawings that just need to be moved around to the appropriate spot and delete ones that aren't used. So.when I am finishing a plan, I copy/paste my title block drawings into the specific job e multi to add the basement drawing to page 2, and spend 5 minutes, max, adding any additional notes for that drawings. The only notes I add to that page would be specific to that job which would end up being on the basement/foundation drawing. = main floor, page 4= floor framing, etc etc etc. is always the foundation plan and has all the pertinent notes relating to concrete, egress, etc etc. I have my title block/base drawings set up for multi drawings so they are the same for every project. Here is why I haven't been able to make plansets work for me.

Softplan 2016 beginner pdf